What I Do

Well… I make swords, wands, daggers, shields, hammers, flails, flamberges, katanas, axes, steampunkymaces,… fantasy and gaming weaponry. Or whatever thingamy you’re pondering. Are you pondering what I’m pondering? Let’s find out!



I like drawing and building new designs. I don’t like making things I’ve already made. It helps my own soul to be at peace and you can be sure that whatever I build for you, will be unique! Jeej! Because repetition…. YUCK!

So how do you order something?

Basicly you send me an email saying you want me to build you something, preferably explaining what it is you want built and maybe add some pictures of the thing if you have pictures, drawings, sketches, fingerpaintings, funny shaped bananas that look like the shape you’re going for… anything that could help in helping me understand what bit of you needs to go into your particular sliver of soul.

And then I’ll send back questions and design proposals and we try to figure out if what I have in mind is what you want, we’ll discuss price, I’ll get it in my schedual and… voila. There we are then.

You pay me when it’s done and before I send it to you. If you never pay me, I never send it to you and I sell your piece of soul to someone else. Mwuhahahahahaha!

There you have it. Questions: email me! I usually answer within the day. Even if it’s to say I’ll answer it a bit later because I’m superbusy. You can call ofcourse. I speak English, French, Dutch and eugm… yah no, that’s about it. I could give you a laugh trying German but… yeh. No.


“910Woodplay really is awesome”

— Myself at some point. (And maybe my mum.)

“What amazing craftsmanship!”

— (Definitely my mum)